Full Year Advertising
Size as full page
£95 for 2 issues
Double Page Spread
Size as full page
£65 per issue
Inside Front Cover
Size as full page
£45 per issue
Outside Back Cover
Size as full page
£45 per issue
Full Page
Size: 216 mm (width) x 303 mm (height)
£25 per issue
Half Page (HorizOntal)
Size: 195 mm (width) x 141mm (height)
£15 per issue
Quarter Page
Size: 95 mm (width) x 141 mm (height)
£10 per issue

Thank you for choosing to read Matrimony UK® Magazine and we hope that you will enjoy reading this new edition of the magazine as much as we’ve enjoyed creating it.
As those businesses who have featured in our magazines past and present know, we do not charge for featuring your businesses within our pages. Our mission is to show brides and grooms (if indeed they wish to read us) the wonderful businesses that are out there to help make their special days just that little bit more special!
The Wedding Directory on our website is also FREE to use so if you are a wedding supplier or bride and groom .
If you would like to have a bespoke advert created for you for either 1 issue or 2 per year then please contact us at [email protected] or take al look at our price list on the website at https://www.matrimonymagazine.co.uk/advertising-rates
Prices start at £10 dependent on size and can be catered specifically to your needs.
Happy reading!
Advertising Rates
Here’s everything you need to know about how to supply your artwork to us.
We will of course design your artwork if you feel you might need a helping hand. We do not charge for this service!
All we will need from you is the text that you wish to be included in your advert, you're company logo, image(s), any phone numbers, website link, social media links and an email address. Then email the information to us at [email protected] or use the button below and let us know the size of advert that you want.
If you’re happy making your artwork then please find the dimensions & technical information below.
Please supply your advert as high-resolution PDFs / TIFFs / JPEGs. All artwork must be NO LESS than 300dpi in CMYK.
Please leave sufficient space between the text and the edge of the advert, preferably 5mm